Soo... did anyone watch the HOUR on CBC or CBC NewsWorld last night? Did you see that insanely goodlooking guy in the front row wearing a purple sweater? Yea... That was totally me. You know you're jealous.
My man-crush is now a lot more intense than it was before... I watch the hour almost everyday. The only way i miss it is if I'm at work. And hey, since the Friday show is a "best of" for the week, all of th ebetween segment stuff is taped thursday. So look for me again tonight. 10pm on Newsworld, and 11 on CBC proper.
The guests were Crispin Glover (hollywood actor/crazy person), Gregory Levey(authour), and Alia Shocot (Maeby from Arrested Development). I totally loved Maeby's "Best Stroy Ever".

i could have sworn there was a comment here...
1) George Stroumboulopoulos is amazing.
2) Maebys story was hilarious
3) I watched for 30 minutes Friday night and totally saw you! It was exciting!
Shawcat :P
i am tired of George. he used to be amazing, but now he panders to the lowest common denominator. he's ratings driven. he used to be in it for the story. a man as smart as George should never have sold out like that.
P.S. I taught mando how to spell Stroumboulopoulos.
I was going to correct you on Shawcat, but refrained, since it was my first time commenting and didn't want to be THAT girl lol
thats redic.
George is so not pandering to anyone.
Meet the man, talk to him.
Then have an opinion.
i'm so sad i missed this. i love the hour AND Maeby. how fun was that?!?
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