Sunday, November 25, 2007

walking the line.

since i don't have Internet at home (why pay for what you get at work for free?) i couldn't post about this news when i got home from feeding 96 people at a winter wedding.

today was an intense day as well. we had our regular Sunday brunch. that's enough to make for a busy day. but we also had, simultaneously, a Christmas party for 130 which was a brunch of a totally different menu. last night they informed us that it was probably closer to 180. less than 4 hours to prepare food for an extra 50 ppl was a lot of work. but here's the clincher, 237 ppl showed up to this function. needless to say today was a very stressful day. so stressful (but trust me, the good productive kid of stress) that i almost forgot about my impending promotion.
that's right, I'm getting a promotion less than one month into this job. '

I'll be moving onto the line a helluva lot quicker than i ever thought. I'll be working the breakfast shift 2 days a week. not a huge deal, but its really significant for me. more money, more recipes in my arsenal, more responsibility. cooking on personal level for a lot more people than doing banquets. one banquet, i may cook for 100 people, but its very impersonal than plate by plate feeding individuals. i expected to be on the line by February. was told i would be, instead, I'm on the line by December.

so lets all raise a glass (or mouse) to following your passions, moving up, and getting the recognition we all deserve!


- said...

steve, this was a perfect time just here and now. i got to read your promotion news which is incredible and a congratulate you :) AND at the same time, i was eating an awesome bagel sandwich that i made. it was glorious! congrats again :) my little guy is growing up! lol

Desiree said...

what are the chances you could do Saturday bake so I can move?