Thursday, March 13, 2008


So, the long voyage of ceaseless work is coming to an end. The new work schedules will be up tomorrow, and based on the contracts for functions, I think I may be able to get 48hrs in a row off work. This is very exciting news, yet, I honestly feel like I could keep on doing this. I've worked 25 days in a row so far, and will finish with 28days and 33 shifts thanks to pulling a few double shifts. I am broke again, but have only received half this pay, and have all of my bills up to date. My debt is shrinking, and my mood is lifted in that knowledge.

In other news, I've started a facebook group called "Neon is the New Black". I did this because last summer, I bought a couple of T-shirts, and one pair of shorts that were REALLY brightly coloured. I got a lot of compliments on them. Now yesterday I went shopping and saw a decent amount of bright neon colours in several stores. As always, I am ahead of the curve (lol). So based on my past experience, Neon is going to be huge next year. And who doesn't want to be avant-garde with their clothes, even if just a little bit. So if I haven't invited you to join, JOIN!

I read a lot of fashion blogs, subscribe to or read a tonne of magazines, and seriously was offered a "cool hunter" position at a marketing firm one summer. I turned it down for more hours and because of my inability to travel around with ease. From "The Sartotialist" to GQ, Fashionista and Hel Looks. I am vain and obsessed, but imagine how good you feel when someone compliments you... that is addictive. I don't live for it, or obsess (too much) over it. But I put thought into what I wear, be it at home, at the gym, hanging out with friends, or at a club.

In related news, I bought new jeans. Down another pant size. They're a bit snug, but within a week or so, they'll fit alright I've been gym slacking as of late. Eating right, but maybe only going once a week. I love the fit of them. I'd been searching for good jeans for about 2 months... all of mine are getting too ragged for me, 2 having holes worn in them in, erm, inappropriate places. I would have replaced them sooner, but didn't want to spend money if I was going to keep dropping weight. I'm plateauing for now, and close to a weight I like. I originally wanted to get down to 190lbs, but I think that would be WAY too skinny. I'm 6'3" and pretty fit. If I'm 230lbs and looking pretty good now (a regular at the cafe who doesn't know me before and bigger insists I'm not fat. He's funny for a creepy old dude), losing 40lbs would be overkill. i think 215-220 will be good, and is still in my healthy BMI range. I'm finally in my healthy range now. First time since twelfth grade. (FYI: 180-240 is my range... 60lbs is a hella big range I think)

But anyways... that was a big self-indulgent post.


Desiree said...

My favourite part as when you went to get me coffee & came back with your junk hanging out (as it had been all the way down George).
Much love ^_^


Steve said...

haha.... ine was halfstripping in front of your boss in order to fix my jeans.
she seemed impressd.

- said...

oh my. that's fierce.

i must confess that i did not and will not join your facebook group. i do not like groups and am only in 9 that pertain very specifically to some part of my life. do not take it as a personal offense. just don't, ok?