Sunday, December 16, 2007


you'd think in climate weather would stop people from packing the hotel for brunch, wouldn't you?
i guess my omelets are just too good to pass up.
in other news, i just spent a whole day's pay on a sweet new tie.
damn my addiction to accessories.
hopefully we'll have some pics from tomorrow's hotel Christmas party where you can see me/it.
but no guarantees.
ps: way to call in the army TO. and you call yourselves Canadians...


Desiree said...

Reason #168808 why I don't want to live in Toronto.

- said...

did they call the army AGAIN? ... PATHETIC

i LOVED being out and about today. SO MUCH SNOW! woo!

Anonymous said...

gotta love those who love to bash their fellow Canadians...
reason #168809 we wouldn't want you in Toronto!