Thursday, January 31, 2008

Two - Four

I walked into work this morning at 5:30, turned on the lights, and nearly walked into this sign on the end of the counter...

Sam and Derek had decorated the cafe last night after their closing shift, knowing that I opened the cafe this morning. My 24th Birthday morning. There was balloons, and signs... basically the works. I was quite impressed. It also helped with tips. I made and extra $15 in a 6 hour shift. Not bad considering we were closed for 2 hours of the shift while i baked, and that the average purchase is $1.60 (Medium Coffee)!

My manager, and usual Thursday morning partner in crime Danielle had even gotten me a little birthday goodie bag! A green afro-pick, Valentines day chocolates, a card, Jawbreaker sucker that doesn't evn fit into my mouth, and flavoured "rough-rider" condoms in bananna, strawberry, and vanilla. I was very happy!

But even though it was my birthday, I still had Latte's to make, pastries to serve, and tables to clear. That Danielle is a slave driver! But she & the big boss lady bought me lunch today to make up for it. Southwest corn chowder, and a roasted chicken chimichanga! Yummers!

I wonder what's next... ?? This was the bad part of my day..


- said...

happy birthday steve!!!!!! :D

just so you know, that shirt is beautiful :)

Steve said...

thanks man. i appreciate the bdy wishes. and the compliment.
the shirt is ben sherman. i saw it in a window, stalked it for 2 weeks and knew it had to be mine. and it damn well better look good for what it cost me lol. the pic does not do it justice. ;)

Steve said...

whoa... reading that sober today, i hink it sounds itchier than i meant it to...

Steve said...

hahah... itchier...
i obviously meant bitchier.

- said...

nah no bitchiness. you should be proud of the things you love, especially when your hard earned money goes into them lol

and i already adjusted for everything in the world looking EVEN BETTER in real life, so the shirt is extra awesome lol

stacy said...

You are the CUTEST in that shot.

Love the white belt.

Happy belated birthday.