But, the main reason I'm here is that so much has happened in the last two days. The biggest being that I got a job. At Chapters/Starbucks. This makes me very happy because not only is it income, but it is a place where I often go to escape, and if your work was full of literature, glossy magazines, and the smell of roasted coffee and baking, i think you'd be a tad happy too. Not to mention a sweet employee discount. The second exciting development would be equally engaging.
An hour before I heard from Starbucks, I had an interview at the Holiday Inn Waterfront here in Peterborough. I was the first interview of the day, and needless to say I rocked it. It was for an entry-level cook position, the pay is great, compared to all the minimum-wage stuff I'd been wading through recently, and through the course of the interview, the HR woman referred to the call as being "Karma". I'd worked shitty jobs, set my life in order, made concrete decisions about me becoming a chef, quit my job, and this fell in my lap. She told me I could expect a call by Thursday of this week. I got the call in two hours. My second interview with the Hospitality Manager and Executive Head Chef was today at 2:00 and to blush bashfully, I ACED it! They called before I'd even got home to set up the third and final interview for tomorrow morning at 10:30. I am beyond psyched. Jay Bolton, the Executive Chef seems like a really great guy and is actually waaay younger than I thought. He's maybe mid-thirties, and seems really eager to teach, as well as learn. He was BEYOND impressed with my 7 years of experience as a butcher. My wit was on fire, and my attitude was in check. I sold myself hard, but didn't oversell one bit. he told me he wanted to hire me, I was the best candidate he'd seen in months, complimented my ability to dress to impress (Dark, straight denim jeans, Yellow oxford with pale blue and khaki pinstripes, and a khaki slim-fit blazer), and actually said that he wanted me hired, and was putting a rush on the paperwork to get my third and final interview. So that is the way things are shaping up for me professionally. I'm pretty excited by the prospect of being employed by Monday.
Now comes the real fun stuff! Not only did I clean my apartment, something which brings me endless satisfaction, but I purged some useless junk, and re-arranged some furniture. Why not have a fresh start? Then, there is the matter of the fun I had yesterday...
...which will be added to a later post. I feel the need to keep you all in suspense. Hints would include the words photo and shoot.
just for fun, as I was browsing my photo folders, i found this old pic from last august (27lbs heavier ago)when I was actually having fun:

I believe this was from the first night that we ever spent together :) Need I mention where that lead. Silly times. Good times ^_^
i have that shirt. that looks like buckets of fun.
[now i'm going to scroll up and read the more recent post which may very well tell me how that interview went lol]
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