OK, I know it's been a while, but It has been really busy. I've been working a tonne and so I spent yesterday relaxing and hanging out with my friends, which was nice. As you also know, Halloween was yesterday, and this year, my costume, though not as elaborate as last year's "Flying Spaghetti Monster" was totally unique. I was "The Last Unicorn". I took a child's costume and had to get my mom to insert panels in the sides so it would fit me but it was totally worth it. And as proof that I was the true last unicorn... not another unicorn existed in all of the downtown, or any of the 4 parties I hit up from Saturday to Wednesday...

In other news, well, I've redecorated my apartment (as much as you can with a 350sq foot bachelor) and it looks a lot bigger and a lot nicer. Thanks go to my friend Iris for some furniture and the inspiration to get rid of a lot of my unnecessary things. Maybe one day I'll be able to get rid of some of my clothes too. That would free up a tonne of space...
that is the most ridiculous aka awesome costume ever!
glad your job is going well. we totally understand that you're busy [although we DO wait patiently for your next installment hehe]
Happy November!
you sir, have more clothing than I do.
i know... bu i wear it all!!
send some to me! haha
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