Peterborough, land of the notorious floods of 2006 & 2007 is still above water, for the most part, but people are getting leery. Massive melts are threatening some downtown areas.

This is the back half of the patio at the hotel... good thing the patio doesn't open until May 1st!

Somehow, I think these kis were having more fun than I was. But thats Okay, because I was dry and clean. Thats always what matters the most for me. Clean and Dry!!

Did you see that bridge? it goes right into the water... Safety first people!

This is part of the price we pay for global warming. Conserve energy, waste less, and donate your time and money to environmentally sound and green projects and causes. Also, I guess its the price we pay for having a river and lake in the middle of the downtown core...
as a geographer, i dont know how annual snow melt is to be blamed on global warming :P this wasnt even a record snow year or anything!
peterborough is surrounded by a series of 7 drumlins, draining into the downtown area, as well as the river system carrying melt and runoff from areas hours removed from town. duh.
do your research michael!
actually ive recently done research on peterborough's drumlins. drumlins which are very old glacial deposits of soil. something that has nothing to do with present climate! and yes, there is a river, but again, the snow melts every year, and some years a river floods and some years a river doesn't. natural practices at work. and finally, a city that builds its airport basically IN a previously used lake bed is just BEGGING to be flooded :P
its on!
its not the amount of snow but the speed of the melt.
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