Monday, December 31, 2007
turn the page
The beginning of "classy on the inside" with my 23rd birthday extravaganza.
It saw the Carleton Charity Ball weekend in Ottawa.
It saw me getting my fab apartment, the first time I've truly lived on my own.
It saw new friends becoming a significant part of my life.
It saw me quitting my job of seven years.
It saw me happy at work with my new job, in my line of interest.
It saw debt reduction.
It saw honesty and openness for the first time in as long time.
It saw the multi colours, the Jew-fro, crew cut, Mohawk and beard.
It saw contacts and a drop of 60lbs.
2008 will see...
The resolve to drop another 40lbs.
The further drop in debt.
My return to school.
Travel, for the first time in my life.
More honesty, more friends, more freedom.
The resolve to cook more, if that's even possible.
The resolve to keep a visual record of my life.
A clean house. Literal and Figurative.
My heartfelt best to all of you in the new year!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I was working the night shift at the cafe. So I didn't have to be at work until 4:00. A whole morning to myself... what a luxury.
I slept in. I didn't even get out of bed until 8:30. It was a lazy kind of delicious. Then i made some breakfast, cleaned my apt. went out for coffee and did some grocery shopping. By this time it was close to lunch, so i descided to go to the hotel, as a staff member, i get a free meal. and i could use the healthclub.
I jogged the 20mins there, got the keycard from the front desk, and did about an hour of weights and a bit of cardio. not much because i was still a little hung over from the christmastime. Then I jogged 20mins home and went to have a shower.
Here's where it gets interesting...
I get out of the shower, and walk into my kitchen/bedroom/livingroom (the virtues of a bachelor's apartment), and there is an old man just sitting on my couch.
And did i mention that I was buck-naked?
This old man had walked into my place, thinking it was a friend of his. Heard the shower, and descided to wait patiently. He says to me, "I was looking for number 7..." so i yell back, "so you walk into number 13!!?!!"
at which point he leaves.
The moral of this story?
Always lock your door.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
choppy chop chop
there are a multitude of ways to injure yourself. has anyone seen the commercial about workplace safety where the woman scalds herself with boiling oil? well, the other prep cook took off the tips of two fingers when the food processor exploded as he was making coleslaw. he will be off work for two weeks, so i will therefore, understandingly, have less of a life than i currently do. so i will have been working 7 days a week for almost 9 weeks. at least my bills are getting all caught up. theoretically.
a cogeco mix up means i made payments to the wrong account. so i have to make 4 months of payment at once, because they have mailed me a $240 refund check for an old dormant account.
otherwise, i'm having a relatively skint christmas. good gifts, but on the cheap. everyone understands, but it hurts me because giving is the fun part. otherwise, i've been antisocial, and i apologise. this will return to regular posting in the new year. apparently the hotel business slows in january.
if i'm not back on soon, the warmest wishes to everyone over the holidays, whatever you celebrate. hanukkah ended last week, but everything else is in full swing. so the best to you all.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
i guess my omelets are just too good to pass up.
in other news, i just spent a whole day's pay on a sweet new tie.
damn my addiction to accessories.
hopefully we'll have some pics from tomorrow's hotel Christmas party where you can see me/it.
but no guarantees.
ps: way to call in the army TO. and you call yourselves Canadians...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
at first i was afraid...
this is just a quick not to say that i survived the 22 days straight of working, as well as the endless days of double shifts that came at recent. tomorrow is my day off work. whatever shall i do? other than come to dreams at 9ish and go online to see what you all have suggested...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
i've been alternaing between giddy and lethargic all day.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
this is the woman for me.
i've always loved natalie portman. i wrote an entire blog about her when the snl "natalie portman raps" skit came out. she's gorgeous, jewish, humanitarian, has a prestigious degree she earned and was not "awarded" as well as having won and been nominated for most domestic north american and international awards for her craft. instead of being angry, hurt, and upset today, i will just gaze upon her and sigh...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
3rd person edict
Sunday, November 25, 2007
walking the line.
today was an intense day as well. we had our regular Sunday brunch. that's enough to make for a busy day. but we also had, simultaneously, a Christmas party for 130 which was a brunch of a totally different menu. last night they informed us that it was probably closer to 180. less than 4 hours to prepare food for an extra 50 ppl was a lot of work. but here's the clincher, 237 ppl showed up to this function. needless to say today was a very stressful day. so stressful (but trust me, the good productive kid of stress) that i almost forgot about my impending promotion.
that's right, I'm getting a promotion less than one month into this job. '
I'll be moving onto the line a helluva lot quicker than i ever thought. I'll be working the breakfast shift 2 days a week. not a huge deal, but its really significant for me. more money, more recipes in my arsenal, more responsibility. cooking on personal level for a lot more people than doing banquets. one banquet, i may cook for 100 people, but its very impersonal than plate by plate feeding individuals. i expected to be on the line by February. was told i would be, instead, I'm on the line by December.
so lets all raise a glass (or mouse) to following your passions, moving up, and getting the recognition we all deserve!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
rainy days make me smile.
(more, actually, but 2 worth mentioning)
1. I had my first run-in with a coffee snob. They left the cafe with not only thir nose in the air, but muttering that "...its not even worth it..."
My manager was right there. Laughing. "Coffeesnobs are the worst kind." she says. "Congratulations on your first."
2. I am the proud new owner of an awesome mohawk. Not a literal spiked 80s mohawk, but a textured, graduated and clean looking one. A mohawk fit for an office. No lies. And unfortunately no pictures of it... yet.
in the words of the immortal Usher Raymond,
Peace out. A-town down.
Friday, November 16, 2007
I'm the Hip-Hop-appotemus, and my lyrics are bottomless...
Going from having more free time than I knew what to do with straight into a full and part-time job involved me losing the patience and time to do the things i wanted to.
Work is busy. Work is consuming. Work is also amazing. I can't quite imagine how I managed to drudge through 7 years of employment and not realize that things were not just better elsewhere, but that I deserved them. I've never been so tired, and so happy.
Now that that's straight, I feel like I should share that, 2 week into the hotel job, I got a gold star. Nothing major, but its already more recognition than I've gotten at any other job I've had, and although the cafe had some drama over the last week, I did my first alone shift, and handled fine, and had not only a couple of nice comments from the manager and owner, but hugs from both. This is what I can only hope for, for everyone out there. Not just the recognition of accomplishments, but honest and sincere appreciation for them.
Also... Wednesday I'm geting my hair cut. This is big news, and cause for a better mood. It's no secret that I'm vain. I consider it to be a virtue. I take pride in my appearance, I ejoy the compliments I recieve, but do not limit myself to them. I do better work when I feel better about myself. I'm not above the use of product, and do not limit myself to that for hair. I you know me, you know what I mean here. So suffice it to say, I am excited at the prospect of taming the burgeoning jew-fro on my head. I think a physical change would be suiting.
And on a final note... if you are not aware of "flight of the conchords" you need to be. I was aware, but ignorant until i rented it a few days ago, too tired to go out and too caffeinated to sleep. This is some of the most therepeutic and rewarding laughter I have had in a long time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
...cold november rain...

the rain is cold. and it soaks me to the skin in a matter of moments. my t-shirt clings to me like a scared child, and i shiver at its touch. soon my hair has fallen into my eyes, torrents of rainwater mixed with american crew sting my eyes which hold fixed on the open sky.
the situation is elevating past my threshold and with the wind striking my back and face as would a whip, i hold onto this spot. this insignificant piece of concrete just moments from home, but miles from what is comfortable. i am waiting.
and as i wait something changes. man is forver afraid of what lies just outside his door. known and unknown, the world is full of random and complicating factors. so man has tried to make familiar that which unnerves him, and soon, in the rain and wind i am awash in the yellow amber glow of a streetlight.
they all come on in series. lighting a path home for many, but from this vantage, only lighting the way further away from what i know.
slowly. deliberately. i take a step to my left...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Toasting and Roasting

Making all sorts of coffee. Lattes, Cappuccino's, Espresso and such.
These are all good things.
These are the reasons I love what I do, to be a part of these peoples lives in this important minutiae. To influence their day without drawing attention to myself or to the fact that this simple indulgence is the result of early mornings and hard work. We've all earned out Sunday mornings and the right to spend them in a blissful ignorance and a sensational awakening.
Saturday, November 3, 2007

I can't totally describe how much live music means to me, but it has something to to with all of the vibrations in the air and the aural melodies that seem to swirl around my head in a synesthesiac cacophony of, of, (this is where I peter out from excitement,) well... goodness. Two amazing bands opened the show for them, "The Unionist Ministers" and "The Country Boys". I just stood in the crowd, my friends lost somewhere behind me, and I swayed. I bounced. I threw my hands in the air and screamed. The state of bliss that music can put you in is on par with any other adrenaline or narcotic experience possible. You just have to open yourself to it.
Music is meant to be heard played by musicians. No level of stereo equipment is equal. It may sound scientifically equal, but it is not. You need the music played over the din. The crush of bodies coming together for a singular enjoyment, and solitary bond. See shows live, support local music. It's been 12 hours and I still haven't come down from the high.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Amalthea, the Last Unicorn...

Sunday, October 28, 2007
the good kind...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
while you were out,
Orientation went well yesterday. A lot of the staff are my age, which is a change. Normally, I am the young guy working the day shifts with he 40-50 year olds.
I get free meals, and a free gym membership.
This is awesome.
I start my first real shift at 2pm today. Woo!
As well, I had an interview today for a second PT job.
This as well, went well.
I'm basicaly hired, except for the formalities.
See you on my day off.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Welcome Wagon
Personally, I live on Hunter St. West, though the specification of East vs. West isn't necessitated by the length of the street so much as the historical Hunter Street bridge, towering over the Ottonabee River. This neighbourhood and part of downtown has recently been revived as the gourmet and bohemian district of Peterborough, fed by the eclectic stores as much as the youthful presences of both Trent University students and Sir Sanford Flemi

But I lucked out with a small bachelor apartment on Hunter. By block alone is an eclectic array of establishments and anti-establishments. From gourmet thin-crust wood-oven pizza at 'The Night Kitchen" to a Import bead Boutique. Karma's Cafe for Mongolian or Tibetan food to a Graphic Design Firm. There is a traditional Jerk Shack (Island Cream), and several gourmet restaurants (Gertis', Cervantes’s, Parkhill on Hunter, La Hacienda, and Taste of Europe). We have alternative pubs (The Rusty Snail, and the only) as well as Clancy's and The Red Dog, 2 of the oldest traditional pubs in the region.
There are still more cool places, all within a 2 minute stroll to the left or right of my front door! There' s The Gordon Best Theatre, Black Honey and there amazing organic fresh deserts and pastries, a lawyers office, 2 banks, and an independent toy store. I'm still leaving out the boutique spa, yoga studio, catering company, the barbershop I live above, the African specialty salon, holistic perfumery and the appliance store, satellite radio outlet, convenience store and a Running-Club. I'm really amazing just tallying it all up. This is Hunter St. between George and Aylmer Sts. There are a few I have forgotten and there is actually 2 storefronts that are closed because the landlords are renovating them while they are up for lease. Don't even get me started on what you can find within a 2 block radius of me! Needless to say, I love my apartment and I love my neighbourhood.
This random tangent aside, I was talking about cafe's. I get my organic tea or juice fix and 6 establishments within a block of my apartment. None of which are a Timmy's or a Starbucks. There is the emo/indie youth oriented cafe "The Spill", general public place "Haasleton's", gourmet roasting house "Dreams of Beans" where the fabled Desiree works. Plus catering company and cafe "A Moveable Feast", the afore mentioned "Black Honey" across the street from me, and the newly opened "Natas" where my friends Dahn and Meagh prepare quality, high-end espresso. There are more places, but for me, to be a true cafe destination you have to have an espresso machine and offer more than 4 kinds of tea. Otherwise you don't qualify. Sorry, in some ways even I am prejudice.
When the farmer's market is downtown, Dreams is roasting, and the Quaker plant is doing there thing, downtown Peterborough smells like Sunday breakfast as the church bells ring out each service from all corners of the oldest parts of town. I can hardly explain to you the joys I feel sitting in a cafe, reading the paper, writing in my moleskine, or here on my laptop as people come and go around me. So many walks of life, variances in ages, but everyone has there story, and sometimes I get pulled in...
Okay, I am now resigning myself to the fact that this post is descending into incoherency. Sometimes I just get so amped up about my town, my friends, and my life that I can’t quite articulate the way that I feel. I think that what I’m basically trying to convey is that, if you haven’t already figured out, I am a social being. I thrive on stimuli. From growing up in the established, old suburban neighbourhoods or this city, to moving to the country 20mins outside of it, to living in the pre-war south-end and back to the north-end of town, I have finally found my place. It’s here, where the action is. I have a fantastic apartment in a fantastic area. There are countless shows to go to, parks to play in, stores to explore and galleries to browse. I live in a neighbourhood that is my age, that shares my values, and that is constantly challenging me to challenge it. What more can I ask for?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
We all wen't out for dinner to celebrate my new job, and therefore I didn't have to pay for anything. Which makes Steve a very happy camper. I don't accept charity very easily, but this was to celebrate me, and as they all pointed out, I have been the "Official Round Purchaser" for well over thre years, being the highest paid, and only ful-time working memeber of our crew for a very long time. I know what it's like to be a starving student, so I appreciate their gestures.
So, Steph and Jake, Deanna and Aaron, Christina and Darren, and Jen and myself went out for dinner. No one else had met Darren yet, so I played it up for them. They didn't know that I was the crazy matchmaker in this situation, so I just let them have it. Goodtimes. I promise.
Then we all drove out to Cold Springs, near Port Hope to go to Phantom Farm. I mean, who doesn't love a haunted hayride or a spooky barn/maze thing. I totally had forgotten how easily Jen and Steph scare! Jen almost ripped my arm off. Its what she gets for making me go first! I totally wa conspiring with some of the ghouls towards the end. I'd walk in grinning, pointing behind me, then Jen would get 2 or 3 people popping out of bathtubs, cribs, or closets! Man, I'm such a jerk sometmes. HaHaHa!
So, I guess all in all, this self-imposed social exile I was in is steadily melting away. I've spent more time with the varying groups of friends than I have in a really long time. And these groups are even starting to melt together. Something I couldnt be happier with.
OH! And, as a footnote here, I promised Desiree that I would thank her for the drink and muffin! Having friends working at every decent cafe in town makes for not only excellent weekends and mornings but is quite easy on the pocketbook too!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
with the right tools...
I naturally asked why it was such a good thing. Apparently I had the highest scoring interview for kitchen staff they'd ever had since he took over 6 years ago. And... I am the least qualified. They have Red-Seal Certified Chefs that don't score as well as I did. They have people who have worked in catering, industrial kitchens, and high-end restaurants that didn't do as well in interviews as I had.

(I was so trying to "find the light" as Tyra would say on ANTM)
(Family of Choice)(Me and the Gorgeous Photog!)
(The Sunshine on Any of my Cloudiest Days)
(I danced on a fire-hydrant for that smile) (tiny unexpected gestures often mean the most)
(With the Right Tools, Even I can be a Photographer!)
Then, to celebrate her new hair-colour/cut, I coerced Des into buying 2 sweaters which were neither Black nor Brown or Grey! My powers are infallible. Then to Hot Belly Mama's for some Blackened Catfish Poh'Boys, Roasted Corn Soup, and Sweet Potato Frites.
(Don't She Look Cajun Crawfish Good?)
So I guess the good news came with good friends and good times.
This must be that karma people keep talking about...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
falling into the right places.
But, the main reason I'm here is that so much has happened in the last two days. The biggest being that I got a job. At Chapters/Starbucks. This makes me very happy because not only is it income, but it is a place where I often go to escape, and if your work was full of literature, glossy magazines, and the smell of roasted coffee and baking, i think you'd be a tad happy too. Not to mention a sweet employee discount. The second exciting development would be equally engaging.
An hour before I heard from Starbucks, I had an interview at the Holiday Inn Waterfront here in Peterborough. I was the first interview of the day, and needless to say I rocked it. It was for an entry-level cook position, the pay is great, compared to all the minimum-wage stuff I'd been wading through recently, and through the course of the interview, the HR woman referred to the call as being "Karma". I'd worked shitty jobs, set my life in order, made concrete decisions about me becoming a chef, quit my job, and this fell in my lap. She told me I could expect a call by Thursday of this week. I got the call in two hours. My second interview with the Hospitality Manager and Executive Head Chef was today at 2:00 and to blush bashfully, I ACED it! They called before I'd even got home to set up the third and final interview for tomorrow morning at 10:30. I am beyond psyched. Jay Bolton, the Executive Chef seems like a really great guy and is actually waaay younger than I thought. He's maybe mid-thirties, and seems really eager to teach, as well as learn. He was BEYOND impressed with my 7 years of experience as a butcher. My wit was on fire, and my attitude was in check. I sold myself hard, but didn't oversell one bit. he told me he wanted to hire me, I was the best candidate he'd seen in months, complimented my ability to dress to impress (Dark, straight denim jeans, Yellow oxford with pale blue and khaki pinstripes, and a khaki slim-fit blazer), and actually said that he wanted me hired, and was putting a rush on the paperwork to get my third and final interview. So that is the way things are shaping up for me professionally. I'm pretty excited by the prospect of being employed by Monday.
Now comes the real fun stuff! Not only did I clean my apartment, something which brings me endless satisfaction, but I purged some useless junk, and re-arranged some furniture. Why not have a fresh start? Then, there is the matter of the fun I had yesterday...
...which will be added to a later post. I feel the need to keep you all in suspense. Hints would include the words photo and shoot.
just for fun, as I was browsing my photo folders, i found this old pic from last august (27lbs heavier ago)when I was actually having fun:

Saturday, October 13, 2007
The right decision.
Not only have I missed hanging out with these people...
(at the end of three years of co-habitation they'd been on my nerves a bit),
but I missed Hap's parents,
the feeling of home,
and just the sheer exhiliration at being out of my element.
Last night was Heidelburg Haus.
This morning was St. Jacobs outdoor market.
Then to more German social clubs tonight, a baptism and Amish Breakfast tomorrow.
Pictures to follow.
Thanks for keeping pace.
Friday, October 12, 2007
I've been getting the guilt trip 3 ways.
Brad X Jen & Corey X Happy
And I'm the Jew. No one does a guilt trip like I do.
Old roommates, Beer, and a change of scenery.
Sounds appetizing...
We'll see, decisions must be made within half an hour.
I might roll out in 45 mins.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
It was a commitment I was unaware of at the time...
The blog was never what I wanted it to be. I have three years of a lit degree in me... four really, but I lack the ability to finish something that I have no desire to be. I'm not cut out to teach. I will be a chef. One with the most well composed cookbooks editors have ever seen. I've paid for all my education myself. I've work since I was eight years old. I've been independent since i was 14. Lived on my own on and off since 16. My life is no longer what that blog depicted. It's not hanging with friends (although it is). It's not the same night had a different bars and clubs accross Ontario. Its not so casual. I have a plan for myself now. And I have the drive to make it happen.

Have you ever just stopped and looked at your surroundings? I mean, really looked beneath the surface? Have you ever then been so enthralled and disgusted at the same time that you actually attempt to wipe your eyes as if this misty film will come away with your fists?
I've lived in some form of daze for the better part of a month now and I've come to the realization that I need to do some prioritizing. I have been desperately trying to balance all of the parts of my life and living in some kind of vapid homeostasis. I've had enough of that so I am going to start a kind of experiment... I am beginning to suspect that I need to let all of these intensely "me" facets of my life just gel and see what kind of new thing arises. Maybe I've been trying too hard to maintain the me I was for these last 5 years, and in the process I've been killing off parts of the me that i was unconsciously evolving into...
It freaks me out that this may be the case. I hope I can deal with the consequences either way, if I am someone other than who I think I am, or if I am so mundane that I know everything there is to know about my self. I would so suck as a Buddhist.
Since I haven't had my computer as a direct link to all of these people in my life, I've rediscovered the phone, and conversations of meaning. It's a lot harder to act like someone your not if you are face-to-face with someone, or if you can hear their voice, it's tone and inflection, all of the parts of their psyche that they aren't even allowing to be spoken aloud (or typed in vain). I really need to just get my affairs in order and start fresh. I'm not sure what that entails, but I'm already at the bottom so I can just work my way back up.
Or at least, I hope I can.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Letter to the vast cyberspace
So, had a job interview at starbucks today.
it went well, i think/hope.
But wow, how is it that my main competition is a 10th grade catholic schoolgirl?
Is it wrong that know how much better i am than she is, and how that makes me feel about a job in a coffee shop? I want the job. HARD. but... this is what i'm being compared to?
Anyways, on another note, does anyone know how to set up a feed of this blog to the lj-land? i want to make it convienient for everyone to get updates of this new blog. Its mor than i have the capabilities to do.
And so, its with a hopeful heart that I go back to my iced tea and the comfort of my little Internet Cafe. Research will give me success.
Until I blog again,
Monday, October 8, 2007
Give. Thanks.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
"Iran So Far"
I tried to add this Sunday Morning, but unauthorized clips kept getting removed from YouTube. Enjoy. I know I did. Rarely does TV make me laugh out loud.
Sept 15th,
I had a dream a few nights ago. Still so vivid.
An angry holiday dinner.
I was supposed to make pumpkin pie, but I don't bake. I do the turkey, the gravy, the ham and any number of glazes. That is my role. I am the chef, but I do not bake.
Everyone is yelling at me.
They didn't care.
In the dream I am thinking, "I wish my dad was here." Which is weird. For starters, I never wished him to be anywhere. And he never did well in large, loud, family events. Not after he had quit drinking. But in some childish way, I wished my dad was there.
And then, in the kitchen, he was there.
They didn't care.
He was/ He is dead. Without words, we both knew he was only here/there to create this impossible pumpkin pie. And it was perfect. I don't like pumpkin pie. Apple is my thing. But out of tart shells, gravy and stuffing, my dad made the perfect pumpkin pie.
But he still wouldn't talk to me. I was crying. Sobbing silently in the kitchen during a thanksgiving meal. Something I usually did in the privacy of the basement bathroom. Something neither of my parents have seen me do since childhood. Something I have not done publicly since he died over seven years ago.
And they still didn't care.
I told him not to leave. By now, aware that this was a dream. Aware that time was running out. In the dream I knew it was only a matter of moments until my alarm clock would go off and ruin this. Wakefulness would ruin this horrible family meal that let me see, let me hear and smell my dad in ways I could never do with expressed effort when in need of comfort.
Then I woke up.
And forgot this dream for two days.
I remembered at Starbucks, a place I rarely go. And never know what to get, as I don't even like coffee. But I got a pumpkin spice latte. It tasted disgusting.
I didn't care.
What Constitutes a Confidence?
If you tell someone expressly not to tell anyone else, but they tell a mutual friend, is that a breach of confidence? Even if the other person, the mutual friend is non-judgemental and understanding? I got a text message today from my younger brother reading, “U not wrkn? That’s the word on the stret.”
The only way he would have found this out is through my older brother, who I hung out with on Monday. I hadn’t seen my older brother in over a year. He’s been in prison for drug related charges. He’s out for a week, doing things to make amends, and asks how work had been. So I told him, I was unhappy, and had quit the Friday prior. “Don’t tell anyone until I get this sorted out,” I told him. I’m fiercely independent and have a strong will, I am in charge of my life, and rely on no one to succeed. Yet, there is a shame I feel being unemployed. And to share this shame with the world at large is in a sense, an admittance of failure.
Am I angry at having a not-so sercret shared with someone I’d rather it not be heard by? Or should I just accept it as my older brother trying to re-instate himself into the family, using whatever he has as conversation or as a token of his own esteem of himself. A sort of, “This was shared with me in confidence so I must be worthy of it, see!” attitude. Something he has always done when in some sort of bind. If he ever feels judged or trapped, he starts trying to shift focus, twisting peoples words and opinions to suit his intent. A talent learned from our mother, which leads to many more conversations yet to be written.
I have filled out well over 20 applications in the last 2 weeks, and put out upwards of 50 resumes. I have applied online for 10 positions. I am not just sitting idly by as opportunities pass me by. I am actively searching for jobs, applying at places that I would normally consider beneath me, because I am aware that I have bills to pay and responsibilities to uphold. I quit my job because it was not a healthy environment for me to be in. It reduced me to a level of depression and, with a melodramatic flair I must say a despair that I had proudly left behind on some unmarked day between 8 and 6 years ago.
As the tangents of my past untangle in this weakened, 10th grade stream-of-consciousness, I must remind myself that people make mistakes and I am only human. He is only human. And the single redeeming quality in any individual is their humanity. A touch of dignity is the class in any situation. Catharsis is found in the trying. In making the attempt to understand...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
arise from ashes
Life has been listless as of late, and I am the only person with the power to change.
This blog will be a forum for my life to be displayed.
My choices critiqued.
And to exorcise the demons of the past and present.
Welcome to those who wander in, and hello again to anyone who has followed me here.